The Mickey Mouse Plant
Ochna kirkii – The Mickey Mouse Plant
Family – Ochnaceae; Non-native Tree – small (4-5m), evergreen; Leaves – simple, alternate, stipulate; Flower – bisexual, yellow, then red, solitary, in condensed panicles, during spring-summer; Fruit – Berry

A popular houseplant, this one, which also looks great in gardens, indicating that despite loving the sun it can also tolerate partial shade.
This medium-large shrub has a distinctive appearance that justifies its funny moniker – its shiny black fruits jut out like ears on two sides of the swollen red calyx that resembles a face. Interestingly, the flowers are yellow to begin with. As the fruit appears post fertilization, the flower ripens into a deep red, while the fruit changes colour from green to deep purple or black. The fruits look like the ears of the famous Disney rodent.
Clearly, this ornamental plant has found popularity owing to its unique fruit and flower combination. No wonder that this African native has found takers all around the globe. In its native range, the Mickey Mouse plant is also a bird and butterfly magnet. It sprouts easily from seeds and is quite easy to maintain.